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Производство: АНО Продюсерский центр «Северный Характер», г. Мурманск, Россия, 2023
Сценарист – Ольга Занина (Христинина) Режиссер – Никита Чисников Оператор – Илья Копылов
Два старшеклассника конфликтуют из-за девушки. Отвергнутый парень заманивает соперника на корабль, чтобы устроить несчастный случай. Но именно там оба понимают, что спастись смогут только вдвоем.
Рыбный день
Производство: АНО Продюсерский центр «Северный Характер», г. Мурманск, Россия, 2023
Продавщица рыбного магазина Мария вынуждена в одиночку воспитывать сына-школьника и еле сводит концы с концами. Судьба преподносит ей подарок – рыбку, исполняющую желания. Сможет ли Мария найти с ней общий язык?..
Производство: АНО Продюсерский центр «Северный Характер», г. Мурманск, Россия, 2023
Сценарист – Светлана Солдатова Режиссер – Елена Васюкова Оператор – Сергей Пашков
Адам Петрович, большой начальник, решающий кадровые вопросы с помощью мухобойки, намеревается совершить доброе дело, чтобы поправить карму. Но вопреки совету своего помощника сворачивает не туда. Доброе дело оборачивается скандальной дракой с ехидной старушкой и разбитием вентилятора. Чтобы избавиться от преследований доставучей как муха бабки, Адам Петрович решает оправиться в космос. Но такого невероятного результата своего путешествия на планету Титан наш герой не ожидает.
52 Герца
Производство: Анна Лычкина, г.Санкт-Петербург, 2023
Сценарист, режиссер – Анна Лычкина
Герои фильма «52 герца» бороздят просторы Мурманской области, стремясь к своим целям, Оля – улететь к любимому, Иван – увидеть китов. На своем пути они встречают различные трудности.
Когда моряк на берегу
Производство: Алексей Белов, г.Санкт-Петербург, 2023
Сценарист, режиссер – Диана Белова
Это история о моряке по имени Жора, которого отправляют на берег после долгих лет службы. Свободолюбивый и гордый, он возвращается и понимает, что выпал из жизни настолько, что его родственники, друзья и даже жена научились жить без него. Оказавшись лишним в собственном доме, старый моряк ищет куда бы ему податься, пока не решает отправиться туда, где когда-то он был счастлив.
Северный герой
Производство: Виталий Артемьев, г. Мурманск, 2023
Сценарист – Елена Граматчикова Режиссер – Виталий Артемьев
История о простом парне, которого север наградил суперспособностями. Снимая фильм, ребята объездили всю область. Сьемки уже завершены, идет процесс монтажа.
Куда подальше
Производство: Кристина Бородина, г. Мурманск, 2023
Сценарист, режиссер – Кристина Бородина
Зазнавшегося столичного блогера его продюсер отправляет делать репортаж на Кольский полуостров, в глушь заполярной тундры. Тот не приспособлен к походным условиям, ничего сам делать не умеет. И в результате герой попадает в разные непростые и нелепые ситуации.
Production: Sol Filmstudio Ltd., Moscow, Russia, 2023
Scriptwriters – Kirill Kuznetsov, Sergey Ilytin Director – Sergey Ilytin Cinematographer – Airat Yamilov Sound director – Gavriil Birylin, Ivan Gusakov
A small near Volga in the middle of 2000’s. It is the 15the summer in Sashka’s life: having fun with friends again and first summer job… But this summer he will have to take the responsibility for someone’s life, meet his love and get involved in some dangerous things.
Scriptwriters – Kristina Zybenkova, Aleksandra Petrovskaya Director – Kristina Zybenkova Cinematographer – Aleksei Fedorov Sound director – Marina Ignatyeva
The life of nine-year old Vera, a talented piano-player, gets very complicated before a music contest. Her Mom expects great achievements from Vera, makes her exercise all the time, beeing very strict and cold to her daughter.
Scriptwriters, director – Alisa Khairetdinova Cinematographer – Anna Golubeva Sound director – Anna Perova, Daria Novikova
At Ritas birthday her classmates steal her diary. To get it back Rita has to play strip cards with a guy she is in love with.
Give Me the Rythm
Production: Daria Gushan, Moscow, Russia, 2023
Scriptwriters – Daria Gushan, Denis Safonov Director – Daria Gushan Cinematographer – Ivan Nikitich Sound director – Pavel Gorskih
A disappointed drummer rejected at a band audition tries to find a meaning for his music.
Hello, brother!
Production: Daniil Goncharov
Scriptwriter, director – Daniil Goncharov Cinematographer – Georgy Bezruk Sound director – Aleksander Khomenko
Two Russian mormons are to tell the people in the street about their religion in a quiet neigbourhood of Vladivostok. The mission turns out to be a nightmare…
A portrait without the person
Production: Metvision, Moscow, Russia, 2023
Scriptwriter, director – Ruslan Sadilov Cinematographer – Anton Khamalainen Sound director – Vadim Ronin
A couple of hermits are the only survivors of digital plague, turning people into biorobots. One day their peaceful life is disturbed by an infected boy.
Scriptwriter, director – Olga Dobromyslova Cinematographer – Evgeny Burak Sound director – Natalia Belobragina
Students of a film course are in luck - today they get a friend and co-worker of Tarkovsky instead of their ordinary teacher. The professor is happily anticipating the meeting with the youth, for many years he has been getting full classrooms. But a lot of things have changed since he was teaching last time.
Scriptwriters – Yurij Kasimtsev, Aleksander Polyakov Director – Yurij Kasimtsev Cinematographer – Anton Devin Sound director – Danila Shinkov
Kostya loves music and dreams of playing on stage, but his shyness and asthma attacks get in his way. First love is on one side and bullying by his classmates and shyness - on the other side. It confuses him and he can not differentiate his dreams from reality.
Scriptwriter, director – Babken Zakarian Cinematographer – Tigran Avetician
This is a story of a girl who falls in love with a computer programme and meets social problems in real life.
Seagulls island
Production: MODJO FILMS , Samara, Russia, 2023
Scriptwriter – Maria Yakutina Director – Anton Dolganov Cinematographer – Vladislav Sidorov Sound director – Alla Chetaeva
After his fathers death Alexey together with his mother go to an island on river Volga to set a camp. Opening a storage with some things he dives into the memories that trigger a conversation with his mother.
Scriptwriter, director – Andrey Lukyanov Cinematographer – Vsevolod Ledovsky Sound director – Pavel Timoshenkov
Getting an ad tattooed on his face Kolya learns the hard way what aggressive marketing is.
Mars is cool
Production: GITR, Moscow, Russia, 2022
Scriptwriter, director – Anna Petrik Cinematographer – Viktoria Stanylis Sound director – Ilya Sveshnikov
Alexey researches the possibility of growing plants on Mars and an eighth-grader Pasha dreams of going to Moscow and becoming a famous performer.
It is your fault
Production: Ekaterina Burduzhan , Moscow, St.Petersburg, Ekaterinburg, Kurgan, Russia / New-York, USA, 2023
Scriptwriter, director – Ekaterina Burduzhan Cinematographer – Vadim Nezrim Sound director – Dinara Shirgalina
After the conversation with her hyperprotective mother Polina spontaneously decides to go on partying and leaves the club with some guys. When they come to the apartment she soon realises that she is in danger and that help is not coming.
Production: Yana Roshina , Moscow, Russia, 2023
Scriptwriter, director –Tatiana Yazikova Cinematographer – Marina Zarutskaya Sound director – Mikhail Velichko
Kostya, a poor guy in love, decides to take part in a provocative stream-show: to stage the kidnapping of his girlfriend Ksusha and then save her and propose to her.
I’ ve grown up
Production: VGIK , Moscow, Russia, 2023
Scriptwriter, director – Grant Varzhapetyan Cinematographer – Daniil Kononov Sound director – Alberta Mashkina
Artur is in love with his classmate Diana. When she refuses to go on a date with him because he is too «little», Artur decides to «grow up». This leads to an unexpected turn of events in Arturs life.
Production: Zagranitsa, Moscow, Russia, 2021
Scriptwriter – Juriy Afanasiev-Shirokov Director – Vladislav Rytkov Cinematographer – Igor Kiselev Sound director – Nikita Alekseenko
Young Tatiana’s friend commits suiside. Everything that was important suddenly has lost its meaning to her. Where can she find compassion? Who can she lean on in her grief? …And do people aroung her try to mute such feelings in themselves?
Scriptwriter, director – Aleksandra Likhacheva Cinematographer – Marius Panduru Sound director – Rustam Medov
Kishenev, 1997. Oleg Kretsul is the Champion of Europe in Judo. After his wedding he gets into a car crash. His wife dies. Oleg survives, but he gets blind. His childhood friend Vitaly helps him to get back the meaning, the sport and the victories by giving him his shoulder to lean on.
Deep dive
Production: Anastasia Danilochkina, Russia, 2023
Scriptwriter, director – Anastasia Danilochkina Cinematographer – Vyacheslav Gusev Sound director – Alisa Antonova
This film is about surgeon V.Y. Berelavichus. In 1985 he submerged down to 305 meters in a diving vessel “Sprut”. The doctors worked a real miracle in those complicated conditions of prolonged stay under high pressure at sea!
Steam engine master
Production: Pavel Selin Studio, Moscow, Russia, 2023
Scriptwriter - Pavel Selin Director - Pavel Selin, Dmitry Razvorotnev Cinematographer - Georgy Ugarov Sound director - Dmitry Razvorotnev
This film’s main character - Aleksey Gruk - is the one and only in Russia master who restores old steam trains. His trains were in many Russian movies where the atmosphere of the past is required.
Big Village Ligths. Yuri Makeev. Peters Village Theatre
Production: Light Studio, Moscow, Russia, 2023
Scriptwriters – Yaroslav Lebedev, Daria Safonova Director – Yaroslav Lebedev Cinematographer – Maksim Khotko Sound director – Vadim Sergach, Aleksandr Rublevsky
Once a successful actor and now a farmer Yuri Makeev wants to make his dream come true and arrange a village day but he has to split between his farm and creative process.
Larisa Kukushkina is an artist from a small military town. She could not get a specialised education in arts, but it does not stop her from bringing joy to the people by her works of art.
Production: «Living Classics», St. Petersburg, Russia, 2023
The film is based on the biography of coach Yuri Kozlov, who, after the loss of the Leningrad Dynamo team, was sent to Monchegorsk to improve bandy. Troubled teenagers and street children often became his students. Yuri Kozlov became Monchegorsk Makarenko.
Scriptwriter, director - Anna Ganshina Cinematographers – Aleksandr Berdeev, Dmitry Behterev,Valery Lerner, Viktor Skubey Sound director – Aleksandr Dudarev
To see a snow leopard is to see the God. This film is about the contact of humans and wild nature. About searching for an opportunity to meet the snow leopard - a beautiful and rare animal, there are only a few thousand of them on Earth.
Just life
Production: Julia Kiseleva, Moscow, Russia, 2023
Scriptwriter, director – Julia Kiseleva Cinematographers – Sergey Petriga Sound director – Ekaterina Turaeva
Sometimes if you just stop and watch under your feet you can see the metaphor of entire life. Sometimes you feel like an ant, enthusiastic and very busy with something it sees some meaning in. But is there any meaning?
Scriptwriter – Olga Kosmina Director, cinematographer – Arina Kosmina Sound director – Gleb Anikeychik
The persons in the film tell about their life and problems they have living in this special place. The main character is Lake Baikal that gives the people strength and faith to overcome all the difficulties.
Scriptwriter, director – Ulyana Mikulenok Cinematographers – Mikhail Dronov, Oleg Ivanov Sound director – Rinat Sitdikov
A bird in the sky is a symbol of life and freedom, an injured bird is a symbol of the catastrophy. Life in the modern world is very hard for the birds. People build cities, civilization, their world, mostly forgetting that they are not alone on the planet.
Scriptwriter – Irina Kvyatkovskaya Director, cinematographer – Anton Pogrebnoy Sound director – Andrey Kormshikov
The main character of the film Sergey Ivanov is fighting for sustainable attitude to the nature not only by word of mouth. His amazing shots of untouched, wild nature mesmerise the soul and make people take a new look and appreciate the world around them.
Scriptwriter, director – Jana Rubanovskaya Cinematographers – Sergey Khokhryakov, Gavriil Starostin Sound director – Andrey Vetrov
Permafrost is a common scientific term. This is the soil frozen as a result of multiple ice ages. 2/3s of the territorry of Russia is covered by it. But it turns out that “permanent” does not mean “forever”...
Solovki. Guarding the Russian North
Production: TRC ZVEZDA, Moscow, Russia, 2022
Scriptwriter, director – Vladimir Shuvannikov Cinematographer – Aleksandr Surkov Sound director – Mikhail Kotov
This film is about Solovetsky monastery, the major spiritual and fronteer outpost of the North of Russia. The story of Solovky defence during the Crimean war and the story of establishing the monastery and russian exploration of the White Sea areas.
In love with the Arctic
Production: Anastasiya Lomakina, Russia, 2023
Scriptwriter, director – Anastasiya Lomakina Cinematographers – Ilya Trufanov, Anastasiya Lomakina, Aleksandr Ermolin, Andrey Grishkov Sound director – Oleg Kozhevin
Anna has devoted one third of her life to the Arctic floating university, starting as the youngest participant she became the expedition’s head of science. Together with the scientists she uncovers the mysteries of high altitudes and makes the Arctic closer than it seems.
Woman’s voice of the Arctic
Production: To See the Sea Film Studio, St.Petersburg, Russia, 2023
Scriptwriter, director – Mila Kudryashova Cinematographers – Gavril Starostin, Alexander Krasnovsky, Aleksandr Shadrin, Ivan Semenov, Aleksandr Sleptsov, Ilya Trufanov, Aleksandr Grigorjev, Aleksey Solodov Music by – Egor Efimov Sound directors - Aleksandr Panov, Aleksandr Dudarev
Woman’s Voice of the Arctic is a documentary about bright and successful modern women, representing different ethnicities of the Pepublic of Sakha. Personal stories of the 5 women became the basis for 3 documentary novels.
Scriptwriter, director – Matvey Sholokhov Cinematographer – Daniil Rukavitsyn Sound director – Mikhail Andreev
The Man of the North is a deep dive into the life of a true man of the North, the atmosphere of this unique area and the inner world of the main character.
Kokkolito. Dancing over the abyss
Production: Studio Center Filmcompany, Moscow,,Russia, 2023
Scriptwriter, director – Vladimir Marin Cinematographer – Maksim Tolstoy, Kirill Naidenov Sound director – Maksim Tolstoy
This film is about the arctic expedition of the RAC Oceanology Institute on the research vessel Academician Mstislav Keldish. Young scientics are studying giant fields of coccolithophore algae.
The Kola Peninsula. People and legends
Production: SKTS, Moscow,Russia, 2022
Scriptwriter – Nina Shwarts Director – Aleksey Danko Cinematographer – Aleksandra Fuks
One of the provinces of the Barents region is Russian Murmansk region, located on the Kola Peninsula washed by the Barents and the White Seas. Saami is the indigenous people of the Kola Peninsula. They have their unique Arctic culture. Now the total saami population on the territory of Norway, Sweden, Finland and the Russian Federation is over 50 000 people, around 1500 of them live in the Murmansk region in Russia.
Rost: northern culture festival
Production: Igor Ageenko, Moscow, Russia, 2022
Scriptwriter, director, sound director – Igor Ageenko Cinematographers – Igor Ageenko, Anton Klimovsky
This documentary film is about an international street art festival in Murmansk: the artists and the organisers talk about the reasons for getting «paintings on the walls», development of tourism in the depressed city neibourhoods and creating an open-air art gallery.
Scriptwriter, director – Arsen Arakelian Cinematographer – Victoria Panina Sound director – David Davdyan
Music school for blind and visually impaired children in Kursk. The one and only. This film tells about their everyday life.
All characters are fictional
Production: Elena Makarova, Moscow, Russia, 2023
Scriptwriter, director – Elena Makarova Cinematographer – Dmitry Zorin Sound director – Anna Lukoprova, Nikolay Isaev, Vladimir Surzhan
A whirpool of money and events forcing ordinary people to compromise with their conscience.
The Last Autumn of the
Production: Artmasters,Moscow, Russia, 2023
Scriptwriter, director – Lilia Kostenko Cinematographer – Alisa Kuvshinchikova Sound director – Egor Kalanutov
Once famous elderly director runs away from the hospital to lay flowers to his teacher’s portrait on his birthday. Suddenly he comes to his own film’s anniversary, but no one recognises the director at the entrance.
There are several hundred homeless animals in the animal shelter. They all have the same dream - to meet a loving owner and to have a home.
The Runaways
Production: TPO St.Petersburg Documentary Film Studio, Russia, 2022.
Scriptwriter, director – Julia Bobkova Cinematographers – Vladimir Egorov, Mateush Vaida, Kris Maris Sound director – Anastasia Dushina
This film is about a real man who is ready to do anything for his daughters. The main character Denis Lisov defended his right to take care of his children and went to Sweden to take them from the foster family and bring them back to their hometown.
No thread is thinner than life
Production: Studio Center Filmcompany, Moscow, Russia, 2023
Scriptwriter, director – Elena Lobacheva-Dvoretskaya Cinematographers – Artur Lobachev Sound director – Evgeny Kadimsky
This film is about the lives of children, evacuated from Leningrad during the siege to orphanages in Jaroslavl region. There are fewer and fewer eyewitnesses to those events with us today and their reminiscences are the priceless living memory about courage and humanism.
Scriptwriter, director – Andrey Sychev Cinematographers – Sergey Pashkov Sound director – Andrey Dimodzhio
Carefull, impartial and objective attitude to the current and past events - it is not a question of culture, not a question of history. It is the question of not beeing indifferent to what is happening here and now. It is a way of showing your active citizenship.
Scriptwriters – Dmitry Povazhny, Anton Vdovichenko Director – Dmitry Povazhny Cinematographers – Maksim Kurilov, Anton Vdovichenko, Daria Larkina Sound director –- Anton Vdovichenko
This film is about libraries and librarians of the Soviet republics helping to fight fascism during the Great Patriotic War in the occupied areas, at the frontline and on the homefront.
Режиссёры: Василий Буйлов, Владимир Тарасов, Дмитрий
Четыре новеллы о неординарных людях разных профессий, объединенных любовью к месту, где они живут, о важности профессиональной и социальной реализации человека.
Енисейский марафон
Режиссёр: Владимир Тарасов, 2022
Это история двух друзей, которые встали на лонгборды и отправились в сложнейшее путешествие на 1100 км через 3 региона. Путь по дорогам Красноярского края, Хакасии и республике Тыва, полных подъемов и спусков, где за каждым поворотом кроется новый вызов. Беспрецедентное для России приключение, наполненное преодолением, дружбой и потрясающими сибирскими краями, которые вы увидите с новой перспективы.
Режиссёр: Василий Буйлов, 2023
У любого места в мире есть своя роль. Какая роль у Красноярска? Быть провинцией с претензией на столичность? Или стать городом, у которого есть свой собственный голос? В 2018, за год до Универсиады, Красноярск получил шанс измениться. По традиции, для этого требовалось совершить рывок и выполнить всё в сжатые сроки. Несколько творческих коллективов получили карт-бланш и приступили к работе, не представляя, что их ждет. Фильм - это хроника создания светомузыкального шоу на «Стрелке», реконструкции парка «Покровский» и других объектов Красноярска. Архитекторы делятся своими впечатлениями о проделанной работе и своим представлением о будущем Красноярска.
The organizer is the independent non-commercial organization Production Center NORTHERN CHARACTER & Art Media Service ltd