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Minutes of the Jury meeting of
the XV Northern Character Film & TV festival
The Jury has decided to award
The grand prix of the festival

The winner

The winner

Don’t bury me without ivan – 124 min. (12+)
Production: Avtor Studio, Sakhafilm, Russia, 2022
Director – Lyubov Borisova
In documentary film ( 90 min) category

The winner

The winner

Tokyo Giant: The Legend of Victor Starffin – 87 min. (12+)
Production: GK Bionica, Moscow, Russia, 2023
Director – Tchavdar Georgiev
Honorable mention / For directing
Honorable mention / For directing
Superseries 72 – 80 min. (6+)
Production: Jungle Films, Moscow, Russia, 2022
Director – Sergei Golovetskiy
In documentary film (under 60 min) category

The winner

The winner

Moonphase – 60 min. (12+)
Production: Point of View, Moscow, Russia, 2023
Scriptwriter, director – AndreyOsipov
Honorable mention / For desperation and hope
Honorable mention / For desperation and hope
Fineline – 49 min. (12+)
Production: Anna Barsukova, Rostov-on-Don, Russia, 2023
Scriptwriter, director, cinematographer – Anna Barsukova
In TV program category

The winner

The winner

The siege cookbook – 11 min. (12+)
Production: FedorBabenko, St.Petersburg, Russia, 2022
Scriptwriter, director – Fedor Babenko
Honorable mention

For promotion of Russia as the country of opportunities

For promotion of Russia as the country of opportunities

Russia_on_air/ episode 1 – 32 min. (12+)
Production: The Third Sector Social Communications Laboratory, Moscow, Russia, 2023
Scriptwriters, directors – Svetlana Gorlo, Julia Varentsova
In feature film category

The winner

The winner

Three minutes of silence – 116 min. (12+)
Production: STV Film Company, Globus Film Company, Moscow, Russia, 2023
Director – Boris Khlebnikov
Honorable mention / For true revelation of the northern character
Honorable mention / For true revelation of the northern character
The fog – 88 min. (12+)
Production: VSTRECHA Studio, Moscow, Russia, 2023
Director – Natalia Gugueva
In shortfilm category

The winner

The winner

The guardian of Ural – 18 min. (12+)
Production: Sergei Somov, Moscow, Russia, 2023
Scriptwriter, director – Sergei Somov
Honorable mention / For love, that overcomes all the barriers
Honorable mention / For love, that overcomes all the barriers
I will take it with – 27 min (12+)
Production: Nikita Sichka, Moscow, Russia, 2022
Director – NikitaSichka
In TV-Show category

The winner

The winner

Hotspot-3 – 50 min. (16+)
Production: Luck 21 for NTV, Moscow, Russia, 2021
Director – Denis Karro
Honorable mention /  For the best disclosure of the theme of the Great Patriotic War
Honorable mention /  For the best disclosure of the theme of the Great Patriotic War
The Barents sea/ episode 1 – 52 min (16+)
Production: Star Media Distribution, Moscow, Russia, 2022
Director – Oleg Fomin
Special prize best cinematographer
Stellan Runge
Stellan Runge
Burn all my letters – 119 min (16+)
Production: Sweden, 2022
Director – Bjorn L. Runge
Special prize best director

Boris Khlebnikov

Boris Khlebnikov

Three minutes of silence – 116 min (12+)
Production: STV Film Company, Globus Film Company, Moscow, Russia, 2023
Director – Boris Khlebnikov
Special award Best children and youth film

The winner

The winner

Year of birth – 105 min. (16+)
Production: A friend of a friend, Russia, 2023
Scriptwriter, director – Mikhail Mestetskiy
Special award Best culture film / For the best coverage of the topic of culture

The winner

The winner

Aether – 50 min. (16+)
Production: Arkhangelsk branch of Theatre workers union of Russia, Arkhangelsk, Russia, 2023
Scriptwriter, director – NikolayFlotsky
Special award / For the truthful depiction of people’s lives in disappearing villages of the Kola north

The winner

The winner

The last boat – 93 min. (12+)
Production: Lenfilm Production Center, Lenfilm, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2023
Director – Ilya Zheltyakov
Special diploma / Diploma for choosing the time resonant topic

The winner

The winner

Emperor – 93 min. (16+)
Production: Auteur Cinema Studio, Moscow, Russia, 2023
Director – Alfiya Khabibullina
Special award / Best leading actress
Elena Jakovleva
Elena Jakovleva
Light – 108 min. (12+)

Production: WISH Media, Moscow, Russia, 2023

Scriptwriter, director – Anton Kolomeets

Special award / Best leading actor
Sergey Puskepalis
Sergey Puskepalis
Doctor – 120 min. (16+)
Production: Artem Temnikov, Russia, 2022
Director – Artem Temnikov

Special award / Best supporting actor/actress
Oleg Vasilkov
Oleg Vasilkov
Year of birth – 105 min. (16+)
Production: A friend of a friend, Russia, 2023
Scriptwriter, director – Mikhail Mestetskiy
Festival jury
Chairperson of the Jury — Murad Aliev
Members of the jury
  • Nikita Chisnikov
  • Elvira Serga
  • Oleg Shtrom
  • Arsen Arakelyan
  • Vladimir Feklenko
  • Gunilla Bresky
  • Bard Wormdal
  • Galina Adamovich
  • Sardana Savvina
Организаторы кинофестиваля –
АНО «Продюсерский центр «СЕВЕРНЫЙ ХАРАКТЕР»
и ООО «Арт Медиа Сервис»
183038, г. Мурманск, Рыбный проезд, 4